
How to Securely hold Lower Dentures?

Dentures, also known as dentures, are a valuable solution for those who have lost their teeth. However, one of the common challenges when wearing a lower denture is keeping it firmly in place. In this post, we will explain the different aspects of lower dentures, from their composition to the methods to ensure their hold effectively, as well…

Dental Glue

Dental Glue: Do You Know How to use it?

Have you heard of dental glue? It is a very common product that dentists recommend to those people who use a dental prosthesis or denture, to ensure its fixation. But is this its only use or are there others? How do you use dental glue? Is it mandatory or only recommended? In this post you will find out everything…

Flexible Dental

Flexible Dental Prostheses: What are they?

  If due to an illness, an injury or an accident, you have lost some teeth, it is possible that you have gone to a professional to repair something as important as your teeth . As you already know, there are several types of different prostheses, each with its advantages and disadvantages, which are indicated for specific cases.…

Invisalign Express Orthodontics: The Shortest Treatment

Invisalign Express Orthodontics: The Shortest Treatment

You may notice your self-conscious smile because of a simple defect that you think could be fixed quickly. And you may also fear wearing uncomfortable braces for months. But, luckily for you, there is Invisalign Express orthodontics. This is the shortest treatment in the Invisalign family, an Invisalign that has the same advantages as the Invisalign Full system, but designed…

7 Tips to Choosing Your Dentist Well

Many people are afraid when they find themselves having to go to the dentist, which is a serious problem since they do not properly take care of the health of their mouth. For that reason and with the aim of finding a dentist you trust, we are going to analyze the 7 tips to choosing your dentist…

Dental crown cost

Dental crowns: types and prices

What is a dental crown and what is it for? Crowns or dental covers are one of the possible solutions to preserve each tooth . As time goes by, different dental problems may appear that we will have to solve as soon as possible to avoid further damage such as losing a tooth and needing dental implants. You may be interested in this topic because you…

Treatment with Dental Bridges vs Dental Implants

Losing your teeth can sometimes put a strain on your self-confidence. Missing or extracted teeth can raise concerns about infection, but permanent solutions are available today as dental treatments have come a long way since the turn of the century. Since implants and bridges are easy treatments to get, the questions you should ask your dentist…