Dental surgery and periodontics are two of the specialties that we work in our Dental Clinic. On this occasion we will talk about a very interesting topic: the gum graft and what its postoperative period is like.
Receding Gums. Why does it happen?
First of all, we are going to analyze the symptoms for which a gum graft may be required. The main one is that these have been damaged after severe periodontitis .
This gum disease is capable of wearing down the tissue attached to the tooth, making it increasingly smaller in quantity.
Habits such as smoking or inadequate tooth brushing can promote the appearance of this disease.
In addition to greater tooth sensitivity, receding gums can cause tooth mobility and affect the aesthetics of the smile, since much more of the teeth will be shown.
What is gum grafting?
Gum grafting is a microsurgery that represents the best solution to recover damaged gum, avoiding possible problems that could arise from this retraction.
This minimally invasive technique consists of removing a small amount of soft tissue, generally from the patient’s palate, with the aim of placing it in the area where the gum is receding.
Thanks to this procedure, the patient will be able to recover the health and aesthetics of their gums and, therefore, their smile. In addition, it will minimize the risk of losing teeth and symptoms such as tooth sensitivity will disappear.
What are the results of a gum graft?
These types of interventions are more common than it may seem and the results are very satisfactory for our patients.
The procedure is minimally invasive and consists of taking a little tissue from the palate to cover the area of the tooth that has been left without the protection of the gum.
Gum and bone graft. What does it consist of?
In more complex cases, where the patient has lost not only gum tissue but also bone tissue, bone regeneration may be necessary.
This process is very useful when the patient does not have enough support to place a dental implant, which is why it is necessary to proceed to solve the problem.
Is gum grafting very painful?
The gum graft does not hurt, since it is performed under local anesthesia. Before starting the intervention, anesthesia is applied to the palate and from then on the patient does not notice any discomfort.
I have white fabric, is it normal?
Although it may seem very scandalous, white tissue inside the mouth is normal as it is part of the scarring and healing process of this procedure.
Just like when a sore appears in the mouth, at first it is white but little by little it changes color to adapt to the color of the rest of the mouth.
In this case, white areas may appear that are completely normal around the operated area.
Evolution of a gum graft
In any case, recovery after a gum graft has a very favorable prognosis for the majority of patients, as long as the recovery guidelines indicated by the specialist are respected.
Can I request sick leave for this intervention?
The gum graft is a minimally invasive procedure that does not cause pain for the patient, but there may be difficulties eating normally in the days following the intervention.
If the work requires some physical effort, it is highly recommended to request leave, given that for three or four days it is vital to let the area rest and not carry out activities that require physical effort.
What is the postoperative period like after a gum graft?
The postoperative period that our dental microsurgery specialist will recommend is very simple. First, it will be important to place ice on the operated area for four or five hours after the intervention.
In the following days, as we have mentioned, we will have to avoid all types of physical efforts and activities and take anti-inflammatories that will be prescribed by our dentists in Barcelona.
What is recovery like?
After carrying out this simple microsurgery, we recommend you follow these recommendations :
- After surgery, apply ice for 4 or 5 hours to reduce discomfort.
- Avoid practicing sports and exertion during the week after the intervention.
- Follow a diet based on soft, warm or cold foods for the first two days.
- Rinse with chlorhexidine mouthwash for at least 15 days. In this sense, you must be careful the first few days and not make too much effort to avoid displacement of the gum graft.
- Avoid tobacco , both for the sake of your gums and for your general health.
- Maintain adequate oral hygiene .
Post-operative advice after a gum graft
As a general rule, the most useful advice for the postoperative period of a gum graft is based on following the instructions of our specialist and being careful with diet and oral hygiene.
On the one hand, it is advisable to avoid hard foods; it is better to opt for broths, soups and purees that do not require chewing to avoid discomfort.
Regarding hygiene, it is important to rinse your mouth with a mouthwash that contains chlorhexidine, to disinfect the area and ensure good dental hygiene. Finally, smoking is not recommended in the days after the intervention.
By following these tips our dentists in Ontario will ensure that the intervention is a success.