More and more adults are deciding to undergo orthodontic treatment not only to improve their dental aesthetics, but also to improve their oral health, which is why combining orthodontics with dental implants is becoming more and more common. But don’t worry, at Chagger Dental Clinic, we will tell you when it is advisable to use orthodontics if you already have dental implants.
What are dental implants?
They are artificial titanium roots specially designed to be installed in the maxillary or mandibular bones, in order to replace the root of the natural tooth that was lost. Therefore, without a doubt, dental implants become the fastest and most effective solution to recover chewing function and oral aesthetics.
Over the years, many adults have lost some teeth due to the appearance of cavities, periodontitis or other types of conditions. This implies that the remaining pieces tend to move towards these spaces. For this reason, many patients are forced to resort to dental implants .
Dental implants not only fill those gaps that have been left empty by the loss of teeth, they also help improve the bite and avoid chewing problems.
Dental implants and orthodontics
The combination of implants and orthodontics is the definitive solution to improve aesthetics and oral health. While dental implants allow spaces to be covered to prevent the displacement of the rest of the teeth, orthodontics allows the teeth to be aligned. The coordination between different dental specialties is known as multidisciplinary dental treatment.
However, it must be remembered that these dental implants do not slide in the mouth, therefore, they will not be able to move in the future.
Taking this into account, you have to make sure what the placement of the dental implants will be . In this way, not only is it possible to have a good occlusion, but also to be able to rehabilitate the mouth by aligning the teeth correctly.
First orthodontics, then dental implants
In some cases it is necessary to first place temporary crowns, since these dental implants will help support orthodontics. This will depend on each case and our professionals will have to carry out an exhaustive study of the patient.
For this reason, at Chagger Dental Clinic we recommend performing the orthodontic treatment first and then placing the dental implants that are necessary, for three reasons:
- As we mentioned previously, while the teeth move, the implants remain fixed in their position, so it is advisable to place them after the orthodontic treatment since they will adapt perfectly to the remaining gap.
- The prostheses that are placed when there is dental malocclusion have an adapted dimension. However, the remaining gap before and after orthodontic treatment will not have the same dimensions, so placing dental implants before orthodontics would mean a higher cost and greater inconvenience for the patient.
- Only in some cases, our orthodontists will choose to close the excess spaces with auxiliary techniques, making the placement of dental implants unnecessary.
If you are wondering if orthodontics with implants can be used , the answer is yes, although our specialists must examine each case precisely to obtain successful solutions.
Phases of multidisciplinary dental treatment
To carry out multidisciplinary dental treatment from Chagger Dental Clinic, our specialists will work together to develop a personalized work plan that solves the patient’s problem.
1. Make a diagnosis
This is the most important step. Because, failure to make a correct diagnosis and planning can delay treatment and, consequently, improve results. Therefore, first of all, our specialists will evaluate the patient’s case and subsequently, our professionals will carry out joint planning.
2. Dental treatment
Secondly, dental treatments will be carried out such as cleaning the patient’s mouth or treating cavities. The patient’s oral health must be excellent to begin the treatment at hand.
3. Orthodontic treatment
The application of orthodontic treatment begins to solve dental malposition. This step may be the last if you need dental implants as orthodontic support.
4. Rehabilitation with dental implants
Once the orthodontic treatment is finished, the remaining gaps will be filled with dental implants that will allow the patient not only to have correct alignment. And also, avoid chewing problems.
Do you need orthodontic treatment or dental implant in Ontario? Come to our Chagger dental clinic! Our experts will carry out a study of your case to successfully combine orthodontics and dental implants .