Today, in our population there is a significant sector that is unaware of the importance of brushing your teeth every day and, therefore, the importance of oral health. Likewise, many are unaware of the relationship that exists between oral health and general health, and serious problems can appear in the body as a result of a dental problem such as an infection.
The importance of brushing your teeth every day lies in maintaining our oral health and aesthetics, also serving as protection to prevent the appearance of infections and oral diseases. Brushing your teeth involves eliminating bacteria from the foods we eat daily, since otherwise, they will adhere strongly to the plaque, forming a layer of biofilm that, as the days go by, will become more resistant and, therefore, therefore more difficult to eliminate.
Bacteria adhere strongly to sugar and create a series of acids that act as enamel destroyers, generating the well-known cavities.
Furthermore, taking care of our teeth prevents the appearance of halitosis, bad breath, and tartar, which influences our aesthetics. This accumulation of bacteria can also trigger the appearance of periodontal disease such as gingivitis and periodontitis.
How to brush your teeth and take care of them?
Brushing technique is very important since many people brush but do not do it correctly and do not remove all the plaque that accumulates after meals. This is why we must know that brushing should last approximately 2-3 minutes, insisting on all sides of the tooth. The last teeth are the most difficult to brush, so we must insist on cleaning them correctly. These are usually teeth in which cavities appear very frequently.
We must not forget that the gums, mucosa and tongue must be brushed daily. Given this, brushing the gums has to be very delicate to avoid the appearance of recessions (retraction of the gum), caused by brushing with excessive force.
Another thing that we usually doubt is the number of times we have to brush our teeth, having to do it a minimum of twice a day, and of those two, nighttime brushing can never be left aside, since, when we sleep, It deactivates the strongest protective mechanism we have, saliva.
Brushing not only involves the technique with a brush and toothpaste, it also includes mouthwashing, oral irrigators and flossing. However, if we do not know how to brush correctly, it is advisable to go to a dental clinic so that a dentist can give us a series of tips for taking care of our teeth or oral hygiene teaching techniques. Likewise, it is advisable to go to the dentist at least once a year to have them cleaned with the corresponding material. These will be much more effective than the brushing we can do at home.
Are your gums bleeding? It’s not a good sign
On the other hand, many people see it as normal for their gums to bleed when they brush their teeth, but we have to know that this is a warning sign that something is not working correctly. Probably due to plaque or tartar buildup beneath the gum, causing gingivitis. When brushing causes bleeding, we must insist on that area to try to eliminate that inflammation, otherwise, we will have to go to a dentist to evaluate our periodontal situation.
Another aspect that we must know when caring for our teeth is that a toothbrush does not last a lifetime, this means that every three months we must change our toothbrush for a new one. This should be with soft bristles to avoid injuries such as those we mentioned above, gingival recessions.
You have already seen why it is important to brush your teeth every day. And it is no wonder, because the cliché already says it: with your health it is better not to play. If you have any concerns about your oral health and want to resolve it with us, we will be happy to assist you with a free first visit.